Our Graduate Initiatives
While the AMSF exists solely to serve and support medical students, there are a variety of ways that graduates can contribute.
Take a look at our “Graduates in focus” section to become inspired and connect with other like-minded individuals. It’s amazing what our graduates have achieved so far! If you know a colleague who could be featured, let us know here.
Another opportunity includes mentoring medical students. This program involves connecting a graduate in a certain field with a medical student who has a similar interest or goal. The Adelaide Medical School already has a rich culture of peer education and mentorship, and the aim of this program is to extend this to create an ongoing connection with alumni. It offers a mutually beneficial relationship to improve connections, network, and share skills, ideas and dreams. This is a new program starting in 2021, so if you would like to be involved click here.
In addition to forging mentoring relationships, the AMSF also arranges reunion tours. While these have been placed on hold given COVID-19, the AMSF is excited to restore these in the near future. If you would like to be a contact point for your cohort, please get in touch here.
A large part of the AMSF is providing financial support for University of Adelaide Medical Students. Whether this is through the Research Conference Grant, Travel Scholarships or the Benevolent Fund, the AMSF relies on donations from graduates. If you are in a position to donate, please click here.
The Foundation is always looking to expand its interactions with graduates, and is open to any suggestions on what can be done for students. Do you want to contribute in other ways? If you have new ideas, please do not hesitate to contact the Chair of the Graduate Advisory Committee (GAC) at (gac.chair@amsf.org.au). We are always eager to maximise graduate and clinician involvement in the Foundation!