Reunion Tours

Looking to add something different to your reunion celebrations?

Current University of Adelaide Medical Students and representatives of the AMSF will take your class on a tour of the Adelaide Health and Medical Sciences (AHMS) Building, which houses the current Medical School. For some groups we can also arrange a tour of the Helen Mayo Building (previously named Medical School – North and South) on Frome Road, which continues to house the anatomy labs that medical students use.

1967 Reunion Photo

This is a unique opportunity for alumni to see where students are taught, the facilities that currently exist and to ask students about medical school life today, and how the course is now structured. Students who lead the tours thoroughly enjoy them and are always interested to hear how things were done in 'the old days'. Reminisce with your cohort and impart your wisdom to the students of today!


Those who have taken this opportunity have been thrilled with the experience, with one group declaring it: "The absolute highlight of our reunion celebrations!" The photo here shows the Class of 1967 at their 45-year Reunion Celebrations.

If you would like more information about how we can help with your upcoming reunion, please contact us and we will help to answer your questions.