Benevolent Fund
The Adelaide Medical Students' Foundation Benevolent Fund is a philanthropic initiative that was initially established by the Adelaide Medical Students' Society (AMSS). In 2011, it was decided that the Benevolent Fund best fit with the Foundation's structure and purpose, and thus was to be overseen by the Foundation from 2012 onwards.
The Benevolent Fund will assist students in need of everyday financial assistance, such as to help pay an unexpected bill.
Applications to the Benevolent Fund can be made by completing the Benevolent Fund Application Form.
All applications will be considered as soon as possible by the selection committee.
All details of applications to the Benevolent Fund will remain confidential to those on the Selection Committee.
It should be understood that while no repayment of assistance received from the Benevolent Fund is required, it is anticipated that recipients will contribute to the Fund once their financial position has improved.
Benevolent Fund Committee
Applications to the Benevolent Fund are considered by a Selection Committee consisting of five (5) people: two (2) AMSF Student Directors, the AMSS Executive Director, one (1) AMSF Graduate Director and one (1) independent member of university staff. It is the responsibility of the Selection Committee to ensure the long-term viability of the Fund. To this end, the amount given to recipients of the Fund will reflect the individual’s financial situation and the need to ensure the longevity of the Fund.
Note: due to the taxation status of the Foundation, recipients must be Australian Citizens. Recipients will be required to sign a memorandum of understanding acknowledging:
Receipt of monies;
No legal responsibility to repay the funds; and
An anticipated contribution to the fund once financially viable.